Windsor Park
A scavenger hunt run from Windsor Park in Prairie Village.
Start location Windsor Park 7200 Windsor St Prairie Village, KS 66208
Start time 7:00 AM
Course distance is 10 miles.
How to Play:
Take a selfie at each landmark that you find.
Post to your social media pages and tag us! Use #solidaritywithcoachamypt and #roadrunnersofkansascity in your post.
Share to the RRKC FB page.
1. This is a popular park we run by often and it received a major upgrade on its bathroom facilities last year. Take a picture by the nice new structure.
2. Solve this simple math problem to figure out the address of the first house I lived at in Prairie Village. Take a picture in front of the house to show your math skills! (350 + 2500 x 2 - 44) W (100 - 13 x 3 + 10)st Terrace.
3. This park was named after the mayor of Prairie Village from 2015-2019. Take a picture in front of the park sign. This is also another bathroom opportunity.
4. Don't think about turning around early! Look for a little dog statue to take a picture with before turning around for the second half of your run.
RRKC runs are ongoing. Registration is required. Go to: Run with Us for details and a link to register.
Remain 6 feet apart or more during the run.
Sanitize hands at each aid station prior to handling supplies.
Follow all pedestrian traffic laws.
BYOB for pre and post-run.
Familiarize yourself with the map prior to each run.
Stay tuned to the website. Group runs are not held in the event of inclement weather or unsafe course conditions. See run cancellation policy.
Group runs are supported by CoachAmyPT and volunteer support. Coaching is not included.