Flying Pig Van
/photo by Orbital Joe
PB's Flying Pig Van is the cheapest and most fun way to travel to Cincinnati!
Travel time is about nine hours. Exact departure and arrival times are TBD. Below is the tentative schedule:
- Depart Overland Park to Cincinnati around 10:00 a.m. CST, Friday, April 29.
- Arrive Cincinnati around 8:00 p.m. EST, April 29.
- Depart Cincinnati around 1:00 p.m. EST Sunday, May 1.
- Arrive Overland Park around 9:00 p.m. CST, May 1.
The cost will range from about $55 - $110 per person depending upon the number of people and there are no pat downs or cavity searches! FYI, flights are ranging from $250-$300 right now.
We can fit up to fourteen pigs and need four volunteers (with a major c.c. and valid drivers license) to take on a driving shift. Shifts will be about 2 hours in length. To reserve your spot in the van, RSVP to ASAP.