End of Season Party
/Thanks for joining us this season! It started back in January when it was a bitter and cold and finished up in the steam of June, but you all made it through with some amazing results for all your dedication. Here is a look at a few things you did:
- PR'd, placed in your age division, BQ'd
- Completed a first half or full
- Came back from injury
- Ran for fun - 80's Rock Band, Margarita Madness, Who am I?
- Breakfasted with PB friends after long runs on Saturday
- Donated to causes - Cristy and Joplin
- Flew at the Pig - our group trip to Cincy
- Volunteered at HH and BRGR runs
- Gained strength in Studio PB classes
- Sped up and down Nall hill and around Roe Park
- Attended fitness assessments to prevent injury
- Attended Runner's 101 clinic
- Learned about nutrition with Aaron Carbuhn
- Learned to create goals with Melissa Todd
- Lost fat and gained muscle
- Created new friendships and nourished old ones
Bravo! We hope you will join us this fall as PB continues to grow!