PB Goings ON!

The winter/spring run program may be over, but there is still a lot going on at Personal Best!

Hospital Hill - join us at our aid station at Westport and Broadway at 6:30 a.m. to cheer on the runners and pass out orange slices. Volunteers needed. Please contact us at: kcrunning@hotmail.com. Runners - we'd love to get a picture of you all before the race. Deets TBA soon.

End of Season Party for winter/spring program this Sunday! Free pizza, beer, raffle prizes and fun! Note the location change: PV Minsky's. If you did not receive your evite, please let us know.

Self defense clinic - Friday, June 10th at 6:30 p.m. This is a must! Learn to protect yourself on the roads and trails, and meet some other runners in the KC area. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect: kcrunning@hotmail.com

FREE summer runs start Saturday, June 11th and go through July 3oth, 6:30 a.m. @ Metro.