Functional Movement Screening
/Qualified Participants receive a FREE functional movement screening!
Plantar fasciitis, ITB syndrome, shin splints, "runner's knee"... Runners despise being relegated to "walking wounded" status by a running injury. Even with the best of training and a conservative approach, most distance runners at some point have experienced a running related injury.
Personal Best's coach Amy Parkerson-Mitchell, licensed physical therapist, is teaming up with KU Med to gather data that will help rehabilitation specialists screen for potential causative factors related to running injuries.
We are looking for 100 runners between the ages of 18-65 years, running 20 miles or more per week that have been injury free for at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the study. As a part of the study, you will receive a FREE Functional Movement Screening - a $50.00 value. The screening will take approximately 15 minutes.
Research is being conducted in the Overland Park area on two Sundays: August 14th and August 21st.
If you meet the criteria and are available to participate, contact Coach Amy at for more details and to set up your appointment.
Don't qualify for the study, but would like to schedule a screening? Please contact us. Screenings are free for PB members and $50.00 for non-members.
Please pass this notice along to all your running friends!