Local Running Store Discounts

Running with PB has many benefits including running store discounts:

Metro Walk and Run 15-25%
Gary Gribble 20%

See below for details!

Metro Walk and Run offers 15% off during the PB season and 25% on clinic nights or any day that we start a run at that location! Discount includes shoes, nutritional and other items. Garmin is NOT included.

Gary Gribble offers 20% off of regular priced items only. Discounts do NOT include: BOB Strollers; Vibram FiveFingers; Newton shoes; Garmin, TimexGPS, and NikeGPS watches; and food/nutritional items.

Both stores have a current list to verify your membership in PB's Fall 2011 program. Please note that both shoe stores offer discounts to you personally. The discounts do not apply to your family and friends even if you are buying for them. This is store policy.
