Gobble Gobble Gobbler?
If you are running the Gobbler 5K, half or full this coming weekend, we'd like to be in the KNOW: kcrunning@hotmail.com. We will be at mile 20.5, but hope to hop over and cheer our halvsies and our 5Kers.
We have a great group lined up to help at the 20.5 m aid station! Thank you volunteers. If you'd like to join us in supporting the local running community, please let us know: kcrunning@hotmail.com.
And don't forget: our end of season party follows the Gobbler on Sunday, 4-6 p.m. at Fox and the Hound. You should have received an e-vite. If you didn't - yes, we'd like to know! RSVP's are required.