Saturday Long Run Deets ETC
Goodbye Summer! We won't miss your heat and humidity, but we will miss your long days. Most runs will start in the dark now that the days are getting shorter. Be sure to wear reflective clothing so that oncoming traffic can see you.
Our run this Saturday starts at 6:00 a.m. at the CVS - 95th and Nall. We will be set up for 20 miles. Many of you may be headed out of town for Labor Day, therefore we'd like a show of hands so we know how many to plan for on Saturday. RSVP to by Friday afternoon - yays only. Nays - have a good trip and see when you get back.
Heads UP - intervals start this coming Wednesday at Roe Park. 6:00-7:15 p.m. We will start with a 1 mile warm-up and plyometrics. Check your packet for your workout. Don't want to run for speed? That's OK - you can run the trails from the park or do loops around it! The loops are almost exactly a half mile.
Good luck to Michelle Abshire! She is running the Virginia Beach Half this weekend. And congratulations to David M. on completing his first 5K in under 11 min./mile pace! Also congrats to Mo who came in second place in his age division at Head for the Cure 5K. Woo hoo - way to start the season!
Our run this Saturday starts at 6:00 a.m. at the CVS - 95th and Nall. We will be set up for 20 miles. Many of you may be headed out of town for Labor Day, therefore we'd like a show of hands so we know how many to plan for on Saturday. RSVP to by Friday afternoon - yays only. Nays - have a good trip and see when you get back.
Heads UP - intervals start this coming Wednesday at Roe Park. 6:00-7:15 p.m. We will start with a 1 mile warm-up and plyometrics. Check your packet for your workout. Don't want to run for speed? That's OK - you can run the trails from the park or do loops around it! The loops are almost exactly a half mile.
Good luck to Michelle Abshire! She is running the Virginia Beach Half this weekend. And congratulations to David M. on completing his first 5K in under 11 min./mile pace! Also congrats to Mo who came in second place in his age division at Head for the Cure 5K. Woo hoo - way to start the season!