PB Update
/The spring weather may not be here, but the races are! Congrats to Doug Stinson who finished the Xenia Ohio full marathon!
Jeff, Dave R. and Coach Amy hit the 10 mile at RTP last weekend to cheer on the PBers. Pics and results to be posted soon but heads up: a PB couple is getting hitched, we had several PR's and an age division winner! Deets coming soon.
Good luck to Marc Hardin. He is hoping for a BQ at the Garmin full marathon on Saturday. We hope all the stars align for you Marc! You are well trained and ready to to DO it! We also wish good racing mojo for Mo and Greg who are running the Lawrence half on Sunday.
Remember the recovery schedules are posted in the members only section of the website. If you need help with your training plan to transition to your next race, please e-mail Coach Amy kcrunning@hotmail.com.
Our long run this Saturday is at Brookside and 63rd at 6:30 a.m. Please plan to stretch on your own this week. We will be set up for 16 miles. Greg and Howie are in charge of the run.