Runners in KS have DIRECT ACCESS to Physical Therapy

On July 1st, the state of Kansas finally enacted a law for direct access to physical therapy services! This means that you no longer need a doctor's order to see Coach Amy for physical therapy evaluation and treatment. This will save you time and money. Use the following criteria to determine if you need physical therapy:
  • Pain following a run that continues more than 48 hours
  • Pain rating higher than a 3 out of 10
  • Recurring pain during/after running that occurs for more than three runs
  • Pain that does not resolve with ice and rest
  • Pain that is increasing in frequency, intensity or irritability (taking longer to subside)
  • Feeling the need to take NSAIDs in order to run (a big no no)
  • Pain that causes you to limp or change running form
If you aren't sure whether you need PT, contact Amy at To make an appointment, please call the Sport and Spine office 913.642.7746 and request an evaluation with Amy. Be sure to let them know if you are member of Personal Best. Depending upon the time of year, Amy can be booked up to three weeks in advance. Cancellations occur regularly, so getting on a waiting list is always a good idea.