Saturday Long Run August 10th

This Saturday is the first run of the Fall 2013 PB session and it's a Meet and Greet! Your task is to meet someone new on this run and record on the check-in-sheet your new pal's name and their answer to this question: "Who is your ideal seat mate on a plane?"

Run starts promptly at 6:30 a.m. Be sure to arrive by 6:15 a.m. if you need to pick up your packet. We will not have dynamic stretching this Saturday so plan to warm up on your own. The course will be set up for 16 miles (8 out and back). Sport and Spine will be open for bathrooms before the run but may be locked when you return.

New members who were unable to attend orientation last Saturday, be sure to look through the run cancellation policy which can be found in Members Only on the website and go through your packet carefully. Contact Coach Amy with any questions