Harness the Olympic Fever

It is inspiring to watch the Olympic athletes in peak condition, pushing themselves to their maximum ability - all their hard work and training coming to frutition. Today I ran on the treadmill (a must as I rehab my hip) while watching the men's and women's cross country sprint on the big screen at Sport and Spine. Their energy was contagious and helped me fly along as I worked on my run form. You too can harness that Olympic spirit and apply to your own spring training.

The weather has made it a challenge for us to keep up on our own training, but keep on we must! If you've opted for some treadmill runs, be sure you get outside for some of your shorter runs this week during the melt off. You might also switch back and forth between indoor track and treadmill. Arc trainer and eilliptical are also good options.

The forecast is excellent for us coming up this weekend. Our Feb. 15th long run starts at SMNHS at 7:00 a.m. and the course will be set up for 10 miles.We are going to make up our group breakfast on Saturday. Plan on RJ's at 9:00 a.m.  If you are joining us for breakfast, please RSVP kcrunning@hotmail.com by Thursday so we can give RJ's a head count.

Fast forward to February 25th and we begin speed training with a time trial and our first speed workout.Get excited. We have new work outs that are going to add variety and enhance your performance! If you have a watch with a heart monitor and are willing to loan it for our time trial, please let me know kcrunning@hotmail.com.

It's not too late to join us for the spring session. Please share the awesomeness of our group with your friends, family and co-workers. They are welcome to come out for a free trial run anytime.