PB Update - Party, HH, Speed and Long Run Deets

Save the Date!
Our end of season party IS on June 8th - details TBA. All current members will receive an e-vite.

Hospitall Hill 2014
Let us know if you are able to cheer on our local running community and PB buds as they run Hospital Hill this year, Saturday June 7th. We will be at our traditional spot on Broadway and will have a group breakfast following the race. e-mail us if you can help out. Coach Amy will be there!

Speed work sessions going forward require an RSVP by Monday afternoon prior to the run. Our last two planned sessions are for May 20 and May 27th. Look for a post on Tuesday morning to see whether or not we are ON.

Saturday Long Run
This weekend we will be set up for 14 miles on the trails. Meet at 7:00 AM (note time change from your packet) at Corner Bakery 11705 Roe Ave.