What makes PB Long Runs So Special?

PB long runs are set in and around the KC Metro area including Brookside, Plaza, Olathe, Overland Park, Shawnee and Leawood so you never have to travel very far.

Every long run course is different throughout the training session - never the same course twice. It is important to run varied routes to improve strength, avoid injury, mental burn-out and adaptation.

PB long run courses are out and back so you can run as far or as short as your schedule or body dictates that day! Course distance varies  from ten to twenty-two miles depending upon the training schedules.
  • Aid stations every two miles 
  • Flagged courses
  • Printed maps
Friends in All Paces
PBers love to support each other no matter their pace. Seven minute milers cheer on the 12 minute milers and vice-versa. 

A Little Bit O Fun 
We like to keep you laughing and entertained so we pepper in some fun into our long runs from time to time. We've been known to wear our underwear as our outerwear, play a friendly game of poker, predict our time for a prize and pick up trash in Westport after St. Paddy's day. Partipation isn't madatory but we dare you to play! 

Spring Training Session has Started
PB Spring 2015 session includes 18 long runs: Saturdays, Jan 31-May 30th. See membership packet for distances, start times and locations. Speed work Tuesdays included. Not yet a member? Join us!