What's Goin' On this Week with PB?
/All righty runners! We've ramped up the past few weeks and this weekend we are backin' off. Our long run course will be set up for 10 miles. Check your training plan for your distance. Your goal is to run half at goal race pace. We are meeting at Urban Table at 7:00 a.m. Winter decided to return to KC, so layer it up.
Our group photographer will take some candids at the start of this run for our group picture day. So, maybe brush your teeth or something before ya come!
Deadline for ordering techie PB gear is Friday Feb. 13th. GO HERE for details and to order.
And last but certainly not least, we've been working really hard on putting together our first fundraiser for Action for Healthy Kids. We'd love it if you'd forward the invite to friends, family and co-workers. If you keep in touch with past PB members, please extend the invite to them. We'd love to have all PBers there. GO HERE for the invite.
Post coming soon: Should I run when I'm sick?