Long Run Deets for Saturday
/JJ and Tyler IL Marathon 2015 |
Many of you are in the midst of a delicate balance between recovery and preparing for your next half. Please e-mail me if you have any questions about how to proceed with your training. If you are working towards another spring race and have fully recovered, then you should be running the mid 50% of your run at goal race pace and NOT lingering at aid stations. If you are in recovery, enjoy a conversational pace and gab it up with your friends. If you are running with the cows in a week, then you should be taking it easy and enjoying the taper.
HH Aid Station Making a Come Back
Allison Stoppel has agreed to head up our Hospital Hill cheering aid station. Please contact her if you are interested in helping out ablanchard322@gmail.com. I will be in sunny Florida, baking on a beach somewhere fearing shark attack so I'm out. This event is so much fun and the runners in the community as well as our own PBers racing HH have come to expect our positive energy and orange wedges on Broadway Hill so if you can, please help!
Podium Corrections
We inadvertantly left two VIP's off our podium for RTP. Eeek! Please congratulate Jen K. on her RTP finish - she battled an unusual injury that most people would have given up on to return and run a great half. And Lorena, man - she just continues to improve. She ran a PR breaking 2:00 with a 1:57. She thanks Amanda for keeping her going at mile 10 when she wanted to stop and walk! Way to go PB team!
PB Podium Update
Most recently, Jen K completed the Trolley run, surprising herself with some speedy legs and Tyler Wolf completed the Illinois Marathon this past weekend. Kevin and Pat both completed the Louisville Derby Marathon and Mo the half! Dave Rios completed the Nashville half and his girl Katie completed her first half. Hands in the air! Woohoo!