Address Nagging Injuries Now

Welcome to the last blog in our off-season education series. Let's recap first!

We've passed along golden nuggets regarding:

This post is about taking action now to address your body's background noise - you know the one that's telling you something isn't quite right with that foot, hip or knee!

If you currently have a nagging or niggling little injury, it is likely going to get worse with the increase in weekly mileage and long runs as you train this fall. The longer you wait, the more treatment is usually necessary and it can lead to time off running. Coach Amy recommends getting a sports specific physical therapy evaluation ASAP and scheduling treatment if needed.

Amy is a licensed physical therapist. She specializes in treating injured runners with a variety of different approaches some of which include

Active ReleaseTechnique (ART)

, sports specific strengthening, and running gait training.

Evaluations and treatment sessions are 45-minutes in length. A doctor

s order is NOT required unless symptoms do not improve within two weeks of your first treatment. Most insurance companies are accepted.

To schedule an e

valuation call Sport+Spine: 913.642.7746 and request to be on Amy

s schedule (tell them you are one of her runners!) or book on-line at

and choose Amy from the provider menu. Wear running gear to your appointment. 


s schedule can fill quickly but RRKC members are VIP

s. Be sure to get on the waitlist and let her know that you are on it:

so she can help the staff get you in.