Stretching HOW TO for Runners

Hip flexor stretch. To do at home, hook your foot on couch behind you, kneel on a pillow and use a kitchen stool to elevate your opposite foot. You may need to leave the stool out of it at first. Drive your hip forward and shoulder/arm back. 

Hip flexor stretch. To do at home, hook your foot on couch behind you, kneel on a pillow and use a kitchen stool to elevate your opposite foot. You may need to leave the stool out of it at first. Drive your hip forward and shoulder/arm back. 

"When should I stretch?" I get this question all the time. Here is a quick how to:

  • Keep it DYNAMIC. Move SLOWly into and out of the position. Do not bounce. Avoid holding the position for more than a breath.
  • Stretch BEFORE a run. Ease into it slowly.
  • Foam roll AFTER a run. Avoid the urge to stretch immdiately after a run especially those greater than 15 miles. Wait until later in the day to stretch.
  • Keep it SHORT. Four to eight reps of each one should do it, listen to your body.
  • BREATHE. Your muscles need the oxygen and so does your brain! Exhale with the stretch, inhale as you come out of it.