Running Strength

High knee jumps 60 sec x 4 reps. at S+S Sunday FUNday runner's boot camp.

One of the best ways to prevent injury and add power and efficiency to your run is to add two-three days of run specific strengthening to your training plan.

Exercises for runners should be dynamic and include arm, hip and leg drivers in variety of positions including plank and especially in single leg. 

Coach Amy teaches run specific strength training classes Sundays at 9:00 AM, Wednesdays at 6:30 PM and Fridays at 5:45 AM at Sport+Spine located at 105th and Marty. First class is FREE. Go to for more information. 

Run specific exercises are frequently included with RRKC speed work sessions as well. Speed work is included with RRKC membership. Go to for more information.