Hospital Hill Runners Get Good and Lei'd at RRKC Oasis

Hospital Hill 2016 RRKC Oasis. From left Amy S., Jen, Erica, Melody, Greg, Allison, Coach Amy and Mo.

Hospital Hill 2016 RRKC Oasis. From left Amy S., Jen, Erica, Melody, Greg, Allison, Coach Amy and Mo.

Thanks to Erica and Amy Stucky for organizing this event. Hospital Hill runners loved our enthusiastic support, oranges, ice, popsicles, licorice and best of all the leis! If you weren't able to help out with the aid station but would like to donate to help defray some of the costs we'd be ever so grateful. Any extra $ will be saved for next year's oasis. The leis were so popular we ran out! To donate, you can send a check made out to Coach Amy 6608 W. 102 Street, Overland Park, KS 66212. Or bring cash to a free run or our next RRKC event!