Tuesday Speedy Work...and A Little Lesson in Run Gait.

Look at JJ in the float phase!

Look at JJ in the float phase!

Look at JJ in the photo above! She is what we call in the "float phase" of the run gait, when both feet are off the ground. Cool! This would get you disqualified in a speed walk race. Don't ever let it be said I didn't teach you anything! Quiz on Tuesday night. 

Also on Tuesday night, we are meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Leawood Park. A little birdie told me there is another run group training at the park on Tuesday night. RRKC will meet at the shelter just South of the pool along the trail. There is a pond with a fountain behind the shelter.  If you arrive and don't recognize anyone, you are probably in the wrong spot! 

Our workout will entail run specific strengthening and an out and back challenge. You need to know your half marathon and 10K race pace BEFORE you arrive. If you do not know your times, e-mail coach Amy info@roadrunnerskc.com by Monday morning. Please RSVP for our workout before Tuesday. Bring your own water/sport drink and your watch.