What is going on at RRKC this week???

Races Coming UP: RRKC will be cheering from afar for Pat and Kevin as they race Sioux Falls marathon this coming weekend. We will also be hooting and hollering for Melody and Coach Amy's neighbor and running partner, Katie Axtell as they compete in their first Olympic distance triathlon: the Legend Ad Astra. And...for those who want to get up early on Sunday morning there is an opportunity to cheer for Allison S., Greg and Coach Amy as they tear up the Plaza 10K. That homonym could be correct either way depending on how the race goes! 

Speed Work Tuesday: We are at the hill once again. RSVP needed by Monday evening info@roadrunnerskc.com. Meet at Nall and Indian Creek Drive (not Parkway) on the trail at 6:30 p.m. You can park along Indian Creek Drive West of Nall or on the East side in a small lot and take the trail under the bridge to our meet up spot. You need to know your 5K race pace and bring your own sport drink or water bottle. 

Long Run Saturday: We are meeting at Shawnee Mission Park for a 10 miler. PLEASE NOTE the start time is 7:00 a.m. RSVP by Friday morning with your planned distance.