Jan 14th Run Cancelled - No Make UP Sunday
/Run cancelled today. Icy course conditions. Do not run outside until will have a proper thaw. You risk a fall as well as musculoskeletal injuries that could take you out for the rest of the season.
If conditions are safe to drive to the gym, consider cross training at the for a total amount of time you would have spent running. Again, mix it up e.g. 30 min. ellipitical, 30 min. bike, 30 min indoor track, 30 min. swim...
At home, indoor bike trainer, treadmill if you have one. Limit treadmill to 30 min. or less. If you are battling injury avoid treadmill altogether.
A thaw is expected for Monday. That is a good day to run long if it works in your life schedule. Otherwise, don't try to "make it up". Our long run January 21st will be 12 miles - same course/ map we intended to run today. Events page will be updated today.
Do NOT worry about your training this weekend if you cannot get it in. One weekend of training isn't going to make or break your spring race. Enjoy the time off!