May Time
/Greg Shaw, Pat Ross and Melody Redburn.
We've had a crazy spring with lots of unforeseen challenges, but are picking ourselves up and back in the swing. For details on our group run this weekend go HERE.
RRKC kicked off the spring racing season with a successful showing at RTP and Garmin half marathons as well as a blustery Brew to Brew. Our Colorado Marathon group dwindled down due to illness and life events getting in the way but Pat and Greg made the trip and both finished their races!
This weekend Robyn is running with the cows and Courtney and Coach Amy are attempting their first Olympic Triathlons.
We are deciding on our group trip this fall. We may have two! In the works: Silver Falls Marathon in Oregon and Tulsa. Stay tuned.
What's in June? We start up fall race training - yep already! Hospital Hill Cheer Squad is forming. Whose in??? Contact Coach Amy ASAP! Phoenix rises again in June on Tuesday nights with JJ returning to lead the class. Details TBA.