RRKC "Running with Distance" in December

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We’ve heard your feedback: RRKC peeps are motivated by seeing friends out on our “Running with Distance” courses. We will continue our runs at a distance on Saturdays through December. Weather permitting, we will meet in two different locations: Crow’s Coffee on Redbridge Rd. and CVS at 95th and Nall. We’ve changed the water stop refill station to mile 4 from mile 5.

Step 1: Register by the deadline.

Register by Thursday, December 3rd. Cost is $25 per month. Those on monthly subscriptions do not need to register. Volunteers helping with “Running with Distance” do not need to register.

Step 2: Look for an email from Coach Amy for maps and start locations.

Printed maps will not be available at the run and they are not accessible via the website. Some maps show distances of over 10 miles. You can run further if you’d like, but if you want to “run into” more peeps, we suggest you stick to the 10 mile route and turn at back at mile 5. Links to printable and downloadable maps will e-mailed to you upon registration or confirmation of your continued membership so that you can print or upload to your training device or phone.

Step 3: Follow these instructions for a safe and fun run.

  1. Meet at 7AM. There is no run lead or official start. The goal is to see your friends out on the course for camaraderie as opposed to running right next to them.

  2. Even though it is cold, you still sweat and lose water when you exhale and replacing it every 2 miles or 20 min. is critical for performance and health when running. Coach Amy recommends you carry a water bottle or hydration pack. Water will be available at mile 4 on the course for a refill. The water stop will be out no later than 7:30 AM and picked up no earlier than 8:30 AM. Sanitizer is provided for you to use before touching the supplies.

  3. Stay socially distanced at least 6 feet at ALL times.

  4. Throw air high-fives, jump up and down, clap and cheer for your run buddies on the course.

  5. Post your RRKC adventures on social media and tag Roadrunners of Kansas City.