When do the Personal Best Running Programs take place?
Our Winter programs typically begin in January and end in late May. Our Fall programs typically begin in early August and end in mid November.

Could I ever run a marathon/half-marathon?
By following one of the training programs provided, including the appropriate amounts of long running, other running and rest, virtually all of the runners we've worked with have achieved their marathon completion goal. Yes, you can!

How many times/miles per week will I need to run?
Depending on your level of fitness and running history, you will need to run anywhere from three to six times per week, with your average weekly mileage total ranging from fifteen to forty-five miles. Beginning runners will be at the lower end of these ranges.

Will I have anyone to run with?
Yes. Our groups typically include runners with long-run paces anywhere from seven minutes per mile to thirteen minutes per mile, so you'll have someone to run with on Saturday. Also, we encourage our runners to hook up during the week with others in the group with whom they are running-compatible (similar pace and geographic location).

Where/When do the group runs take place?
We run together as a group every Saturday morning at a variety of locations throughout the metro area. For several weeks each season, we also meet for speed work on a weekday evening.

How much running should I be doing before I join the Personal Best program?
If your marathon is approximately five months away, it's best to be able to run six to eight miles comfortably by the time the program starts. If your marathon is approximately three months away, it's best to be able to run twelve to fourteen miles by the time the program starts.  For a half-marathon, you should be able to run five miles comfortably three months prior to your race, or three to four miles, five months prior to your race.  If you're not training and simply want to run with a group, the Saturday distances will range from three to twenty miles, so any distance in that range will work.

What if I don't want to train for a marathon/half-marathon?
No problem. You'll fit right in. Many of our runners simply enjoy running with a group.

What else in included in the program?
Besides the running activities, the program also includes
  • Individual coaching attention as needed
  • Educational clinics
  • Strength and flexibility assessment
  • Camaraderie and new friendships
  • End of season parties
What about cross training?
We recommend cross training two days per week. Strength training, walking, biking, yoga and swimming are all examples of cross training that can be helpful for runners. Check out Sport+Spine for yoga and strengthening: core, barre, circuit training. Small class sizes, qualified instructors and individual attention are unique to Sport+Spine classes.

What if I am injured? Coach Amy is a physical therapist who specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of running injuries. She is a great resource as a running coach to help you modify and tweak your training program to account for injury. She often screens runners to determine if they need PT, referral to medical doctor or just rest and/or modification in schedule.