Supported Long Runs

Supported long runs vary from ten to twenty-two miles depending upon the training schedules. Long runs are held on Saturday mornings. Start times vary from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. depending upon the time of year. It is important to run varied routes/courses to improve strength, avoid injury, mental burn out and adaptation. PB long run routes change every weekend and start locations move every two or three weekends. Courses are out and back so you can run as far or as short as your schedule or body dictates that day!

Long runs include:
  • Aid stations every two miles (Powerade, water, food and other supplies)
  • Flagged and marked courses - never the same course twice
  • Printed maps
  • Start locations in and around KC
  • Friendly and supportive runners of all shapes, sizes and speeds
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