Spring Run Clinic: Run Better and Faster

Run Clinic is Back!

This spring, improve your performance, efficiency, run form, and run strength. Coach Amy creates a workout personalized to each participant's goals and experience level.

Workouts include dynamic warm-ups, running drills, hill training, and running activities such as fartleks, intervals, and supersets. The class size is limited to 12 athletes.

Tuesday evenings 6:00 - 7:00 PM at Roe Park. 

Running your best or fastest requires quality and precision of movement, power, and economy; we can achieve this with run-specific drills and skill development. - Coach Amy

Coach Amy specializes in running biomechanics and enjoys working with new runners, aging runners, those recovering from injury, and those who wish to improve their efficiency and speed.

Sneaky Non-Running Related Injuries that Derail Training

Sometimes I wish to wrap my athletes in bubble wrap and hazmat suits so they avoid injury and illnesses, but that isn't realistic. While I can't protect my runners completely, I can educate them on how to best protect them from seemingly innocuous activities and alternative sports that may impact training. Below is the email I sent to my athletes last week. It may be helpful for you too!

If your primary goal is to train for a run race or event, take care when participating in other sports or activities of daily living during the training period.

When you are participating in something out of your usual routine - assess the intensity and the repetition or length of time of that activity. Any of those factors can cause a nonrunning-related injury that impacts your ability to train.

For example, alternative sports like Cross Fit, soccer, and pickleball may cause direct injury. One of my runners decided to participate in a Cross Fit competition, fell, and suffered a grade II ankle sprain. As a result, she had to stop training for her half marathon.

Besides a direct injury, when combined with long-distance running training, participation in additional sports like these decreases opportunities for recovery and can cause overtraining. Injury, burn-out, and poor performance may result.

I recommend minimizing the intensity and frequency of playing other sports while you focus on training for a running race or event.

One caveat: triathlon is different. Training in this multisport is designed to accommodate all three sports, and swimming and cycling are not loading the body like running.

Other seemingly innocuous activities can also impact training.

For example, one of my runners jumped up and down at a Chiefs game and temporarily injured her back. It is not a particularly intense activity for a runner, but it is atypical and, if done repetitively for several hours, can lead to an injury.

Don’t paralyze yourself with fear or avoid all of life’s fun activities while training. Just play smart and be aware, and if you are unsure whether or not you should participate in a particular activity while training, [check with your coach].
— Coach Amy

No matter how careful you are, life happens, and when it leads to an injury, follow my Acute Injury tips and live to run another day!

Tips for a Successful Spring Race

Whether you are training for a 5K, 10K, half, or full marathon, consistency is the key to your spring race success. And if your race is not on a treadmill, most, preferably, all of your training runs are completed outside. And here in the northern hemisphere, especially in Kansas, it can be bitterly cold.

Motivating yourself to ditch the treadmill and run outside in the winter is a challenge. But don’t worry! I have some tips for getting your butt out there.

Seek warmth.

Take heart that you will warm up after the first mile or 10 minutes. Your body will feel about 20 degrees warmer than the effective temperature. Let's do the math. If the effective temperature is 30 degrees, once you get running, it will feel like 50 degrees. Did you know that the ideal run temperature is 50 degrees?

“But Coach Amy, sometimes it is 0 degrees out there!” I know, and it will feel like 20 degrees once you’ve warmed up, but if you are dressed for winter running success, the run is tolerable, and that crisp air becomes invigorating. See my tips: How to Dress for Cold Weather Running. Hot tip: lay out your running gear the night beforehand.

Find Accountability.

I've spent many early mornings tucked in bed looking out the window at the dark, listening to the howling winds, and if I didn't know that my running friends were going to be waiting for me, I would STAY. IN. BED.

Join a running group, like Roadrunners of Kansas City, especially for the longer runs. The other runners will hold you accountable, and the camaraderie provides much-needed warmth! Membership is only $25/month. Need even more help to stay on the cold-running-weather wagon? Consider hiring a coach.

Envision the Starting Line.

This one is powerful. Envision yourself on the startling line of your race. How do you want to feel? Do you want to feel ready or unprepared?

I've toed the line unprepared, and it doesn't feel terrific - there is a sense of doom, and the outcome is never what I hoped. I like the nervous-excited feeling that comes with the knowledge that I did the work and am ready to reap my reward.

Your success is dependent on consistent training. So, lay out your winter gear, find accountability, and envision race day. It is going to come with or without you!

Can I Run when I'm Sick?

In our transition to living with coronavirus and the release of most mask mandates, respiratory viruses are having a hay day! Many runners wonder, "Can I run when I am sick?"

If your symptoms are mild and at the neck or above, such as sore throat, sneezing, or headache, running is usually OK. But running with symptoms below the neck, such as body chills, aches, and fatigue, is a no-no.

Dr. Jeff Waters weighed in on the topic when I interviewed him a few years ago, "running when ill produces more stress to your body if you are already cranking out immune cells, antibodies, and cortisol to get rid of some pesky germ...you put yourself at risk for heat-related illness and are impairing your body's immune reactions."

If you've got a nasty above-the-neck germ, you may need to take the week off or modify your training, such as decreasing mileage and running easy. Work on staying hydrated, resting, getting at least 8 hours of sleep at night, and practicing good nutrition. And I know what you're thinking, "one week of interrupted workouts will ruin my training!" I promise it won't, but it WILL derail your goals if you don't take the time to recover. 

What about below-the-neck germs like bronchitis? Respiratory viruses sometimes settle in your lungs' primary airway and lead to bronchitis. You can run with bronchitis if you have taken the initial resting steps and are starting to feel better. 

Running may stir up the coughing - usually after a run but sometimes during. You may have to stop and walk for a bit if you have a coughing fit. Talk to your doctor about an inhaler (e.g., albuterol sulfate) that you use pre-run and carry with you on the run if you start hacking. 

In the cold, wear a light layer over your mouth - like a bandana, neck gator, or equivalent to keep the cold out as it constricts the airways a bit. The cover will also add humidity. 

Start back with a few easy, short-distance runs. If those go well, you can resume your training plan distances. Those training for half and full marathons should carefully return to their long-distance runs. I recommend you run half the mileage planned for your long run. You can pop back out for the other half if that goes well. That way, you won't find yourself 10 miles from home feeling awful halfway through a 20-mile run.

Dr. Waters says, "There are some lines that should not be crossed if there is a danger to the athlete. These are best decided on a case-by-case basis."

If you develop chest pain with breathing or fever, it's time to go to the doctor - you may be battling a bacterial infection or pneumonia.  

If you work with a coach, notify them when you are ill. They can compare your subjective reports, such as rate of perceived exertion, with objective data, such as trends in your training heart rate and performance. With that information, they can help you modify your schedule to keep you on target for your goals.

Listen to your body, be kind to it, and run well! 

Winter Running with Roadrunners of Kansas City

Every mile in the winter can feel like two, but not when you are running with friends!

Our supported Saturday run courses are set up for 10-16 miles this January and February, depending on the week. For start times and locations, check out EVENTS. You can run as little or as much as you like. Aid stations are set up every 2 miles. Start times vary between 6:30 and 7:00 AM.

Join Roadrunners of Kansas City to log those cold winter miles for only $25 a month. Not able to commit to a run every weekend per month? We offer a five-run punch card for $50, good for 90 days from purchase.