Jared Coones Memorial Pumpkin 5K Run/Walk

Sam Miceli is a long time member of Personal Best Running and Fitness and friend of the Coones family. He serves on the organizing committee for this annual 5K to benefit the Jared Coones Memorial Foundation, Children's Mercy Cancer Center, Dream Factory and other organizations.

This year's run is on October 9, 2010 and starts at 8:00 a.m. You can save the last three miles of your PB training run that Saturday for the 5K. Our group run starts at 6:00 a.m. at Ranchmart (95th and Mission) so those of you running shorter can head on over after the run! KC folks, be sure to run it at your marathon training pace as this is your taper week!

Registration forms will be available at this weeks long run check-in on Saturday for those interested.