Are you Ready for NYC 2015?

Fall 2015? That is not a typo. Next fall, PB will raise money for charity and race NYC making this race event even more meaningful. Below are the details.
  • A charity bib will require a $3,500 commitment per individual. We are planning as a group to raise considerably more than that per person so you are also committing to investing some time to help as well! 
  • At this time, we do not know the exact charity. We must wait to see which ones are accepted by the race committee. This will happen in mid November. The Martin Richard Charitable foundation is one under consideration. 
  • There will be a limited number of bibs available and we have to be ready by mid November with the number of bibs we are requesting. Because we may be limited, this is first come first serve. Current PB members will have preference. RSVP ASAP at if you are ready to commit. 
  • Submit your ideas for group fundraising to We may have one large event or a couple of smaller events over the course of the next year. Think of your contacts! 
  • If you are willing to lend your expertise and time to help behind the scenes with planning and organizing our PB fundraising team, please let us know at