November Group Run Registration OPEN


It's that wonderful time of year for cool, crisp morning runs with your friends. Recover from fall races and work up that base mileage so you can layer on distance for your spring half and full in January.

All of our November runs are 10-mile courses starting from CoachAmyPT's clinic. For details on each run check out Events Page. Go HERE to register. Please note, there is no organized run on Nov. 25th due to Thanksgiving holiday. 

Personalized training is available this winter if you need a bridge plan to spring or have race goals for winter. Go HERE to register. e-mail if you have questions 

Also going on in November: Yoga Workshop and Phoenix Winter Session I. There is a wait list for the Phoenix Winter I class and we are still attempting to fill a second class (need at least 2 more on the list). If interested the start time for the second class will be directly after the first class at 7:00 PM. Please email if committed.